ever cents 2014 I have been into  the spawn pattarns I whould practice speed running and  flying around in spectater to find any pattarns
and I did and then I whould go into survival to check out how  near the ore are close to each othor quote me from 2017 redstone leads to dia dia leads iron iron leads 2 redstone redstone leads ether 2 lapis iron gold and dia repeat

so I have proof that I was not x raying ask DR_KENDLE I tped him to show him how to mine and tought him step by step
so and ask joe he saw me I was showing him until he got afk but he did not get the full training oh life was next before i was going to
tp him to show him how to mine like your playing age of empires choose not not be choosen by  the ores if that makes cents
yea so if you can un bann me that whould be nice …